Travel tips

Eiffel Tower Turns Blue

Blue Eiffel Tower

Gary Bembridge/Via Flickr

If you’re visiting Paris in the next two months, the Eiffel Tower will look a little different at night. It’ll look a little blue.

Starting Monday night, the Eiffel Tower will turn blue every night to commemorate France’s six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, which begins July 1.

Each night, instead of the normal orangish-yellow lighting, the Eiffel Tower will be colored blue with yellow stars to resemble the European Union flag. There are more details about the lighting and the EU from The Paris Traveler.

The Eiffel Tower also was lit blue (see photo above) on May 9, 2006, in honor of the 20th celebration of Europe Day.

And, no, this is not a hoax.


Katie from EF

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