Professional learning

Five Signs You Would Make a Great Group Leader

Does curiosity run in your veins? Do you continually find yourself trying to learn about new places so you can share your newfound knowledge with your students? If either of these descriptions sound like you, then you may just fit the mold of a great group leader. Not totally convinced? See if you identify with any of these below five traits that many group leaders have in common.

1) You will try anything once. Whether it involves activities or foreign foods, you are fearless when it comes to trying new things. White water rafting in Costa Rica? Absolutely! Zip-ling through the tropical rainforest? Why not? As long as your students want to give it a try you’re ready to be right by their side ready to support them. After all, these adventures are all for the sake of education, right? Plus, in your mind every new adventure means a new story to share with your community back home.

New Line Cinema/Via

2) You’re a generally positive person. When traveling somewhere new, you look forward to seeing and experiencing new things and you don’t let the little bumps that come hand in hand with new experiences get you down. You understand that these are teachable moments so you strive to keep an open mind wherever you go.

 Summit Entertainment/Via

3) You see the value in educational travel. Whether you are diving into topics related to math, history, geography, language, or culture you are a life-long learner who believes that experiential learning is a key part of education. You seek to share your love of learning with your students by broadening their horizons not only inside, but also outside of the classroom.

Old rail bridge at Caherciveen

borisindublin/Via Flickr

4) You keep a travel journal. Your journal is full of exciting experiences and reflections of the things you have learned while traveling. You can’t help but also teach this practice to your students so they can cherish their memories and reflect on them later in life. In your opinion, reflection is a key piece of the educational process.


5) You are always dreaming about your next destination. It doesn’t matter if you are teaching in your classroom or exploring a new destination. You often day dream about traveling and find yourself constantly thinking of new places you want to take your students so they can continue to experience the beauty of other cultures. Sometimes you might even catch yourself surfing the internet trying to plan your next trip rather than doing your classwork, but who can blame you? Planning your next tour is just so much fun!

 James Franco/Via

At the end of the day you believe that traveling has the ability to help your students grow and develop as individuals and it is important to you that they have these opportunities.

Ready to try it out? We’re giving away a free trip to anywhere EF travels. You could open your students’ eyes, expand their perspectives and help them discover the world around them. Enter to win!

Kay K.

Kay is a Middle School Spanish World Cultures Teacher. She first traveled with EF to Costa Rica in 2009 and has been leading student groups every Summer since. Kay believes that students should experience travel to help broaden their perspectives and allow them to see firsthand how tolerant, global and open-minded we should all strive to become.

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