Tour Director

Moments with Mirka: See Paris through her eyes

Say bonjour to Mirka.


She’s the kind of person who fills the world with an extra bit of wonder. A Czech native who’s lived in London and now Paris for 11 years, Mirka is a natural Tour Director who loves to bring a smile to her travelers’ faces, whether that’s through Lindy-Hopping (she’s a swing dance aficionado) or bubble-making (you’ll want to rewatch what we mean at 1:38).

I find it fascinating that Paris existed 2,000 years ago, and that most of the buildings here were built a thousand years ago. I sometimes feel like I have to touch them to make sure that they are real.

They say Paris is the city of love, and that’s definitely true in Mirka’s case—only, the object of her affection is Paris itself. When she first came to the city, she noticed some people picnicking in a park. Sure, it sounds like a common occurrence, but Mirka had never seen a park picnic before. She thought: I’m going to live like this. That moment came to epitomize how she felt about Paris. Mirka loves everything about the spirit of the city—what she calls “the art of living.” Eating a five-course lunch on a Parisian terrace and finishing it at 5pm. Taking in the reds and oranges of the sunset. Running her fingers over the historic buildings, marveling at the fact that these structures standing today are the same ones that existed years and years ago.

And even though she’s lived in Paris for over a decade, she gets to go back to that picnic, that moment she first fell in love with Paris, pretty much every day. Because as a Tour Director, it’s kind of her job. She introduces students and teachers to all the must-see sights and can’t-miss bites, provides historical context and cultural commentary, and uses French to handle logistics like hotel check-ins and route navigation. Basically, she shows you what it’s like to be a local who’s been in a years-long love affair with Paris. And getting the opportunity to help the travelers on her guided tours of Paris, France fall in love with the city, too? Well, that’s her favorite thing.

Mirka is just one of the many Tour Directors
with a story to tell

Our Tour Directors are pretty special. Equal parts history teacher, cultural connoisseur, architecture expert, restaurant recommender, and sightseeing savant, they’re trained guides who know the ins and outs of all the cities you’re visiting—and they can’t wait to give you a window into their world.


The Eiffel Tower, a key landmark on EF's guided tours of Paris, France

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David Blumer

David is a video content shooter and editor at EF Education First. After high school he traveled with EF, which ended up inspiring him to study abroad in New Zealand, and live in China for two years as an English teacher. Now, David works for the company that inspired him to travel in the first place. In his free time, you’ll find him backpacking in the wilderness, camping, swing dancing, and playing tennis.