Professional learning

Inspire what’s next at the EF Global Education Symposium

Each fall, EF invites educators in the secondary and post-secondary space to come together and learn from the best and brightest minds working in education today. During the event, we help participants discover the power of travel-based learning and how it plays a crucial role in preparing students to become engaged global citizens. Keynote speakers share their cutting-edge ideas about global education, and breakout sessions are specially designed to help educators build up their travel programs.

Throughout it all, educators meet and mingle, expanding their networks and discovering fresh perspectives. They’re also able to create an action plan to bring back to their students, engage with thought leaders, and even earn professional learning hours.

Talk to your Tour Consultant for more details

Get all the details on this year’s Global Education Symposium and learn how you can participate.

Jake Minton

Jake is a copywriter at EF. His bucket list includes (but is by no means limited to) snowboarding in Japan, exploring the streets of Nairobi, and snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

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