Making an impact on the world by planting mangroves as part of the EF Forest Initiative

Responsible travel

Making an impact on the world with the EF Forest Initiative

In 2021, EF launched the EF Forest Initiative, a project to create and conserve forests around the world. And in our recently released, first-ever EF Impact Report, we shared an update on that program’s progress. Below is an excerpt from that report.

The EF Impact Report details how EF students, teachers, and staff are making an impact on the world

At EF, we seek to be a force for good—for people, communities, and the planet. Read about the EF Forest Initiative and more in the first-ever EF Impact Report, which shares how the EF community is opening the world through education together and why it matters.

Planting trees with Eden Reforestation Projects

In the EF Forest Initiative’s first year, we planted trees with Eden Reforestation Projects, a nonprofit organization that engages local communities in planting, maintaining, and guarding previously deforested areas. Eden planted three million trees on our behalf in 2021 in Kenya, Madagascar, and Mozambique—and the effort will grow over time as we add more partners and locations.

We selected Eden Reforestation Projects as our first EF Forest partner because of its mission to restore healthy forests while creating economic opportunities in rural communities worldwide. Eden provides fair-wage employment to local community members, hiring and training them to plant trees, build the infrastructure that supports them, and guard against illegal logging, poaching, and other threats.


Long-term environmental impact

EF Forests will create long-term environmental impact by prioritizing native species trees that can withstand ecological stressors and by performing an array of ecosystem services, like sediment regulation and storm protection.

EF Forest Initiative by the numbers

making an impact on the world

Mangrove trees planted to meet our goal of 3 million mangrove trees

making an impact on the world

Local community members employed

making an impact on the world

Acres being reforested in total. That equates to over 1,418 American football fields


Eden Reforestation Projects Update, February 2022

Mangroves about to be planted as part of EF's Forest Initiative, which is making an impact on the world

Where we focused in our first year


Kenya: The Kipini site is comprised of 618 acres of deforested mangroves along the Tana River Delta in eastern Kenya.

Madagascar: The Bemangroaka 2 site is comprised of 331 acres of massively deforested mangroves near the Betsiboka River in northwestern Madagascar.

Mozambique: The Xefina site is comprised of 927 acres of degraded mangrove ecosystems on Mozambique’s southeastern coast.

EF Forest Initiative highlights

Local community members making an impact on the world by planting mangroves

1/5 Eden Reforestation Projects employs people from local communities to plant trees, providing benefits and making an impact on the world far beyond the trees themselves.

A shot of mangrove trees, known for making an impact on the world by helping protect against coastal erosion

2/5 Mangroves are one of the most efficient ecosystems for carbon sequestration, and they also protect coastal areas from erosion.

Local community members making an impact on the world by caring for mangroves in a nursery

3/5 Local communities are directly involved in ongoing preservation efforts through the creation, care, and maintenance of planting sites.

A zoomed-in photo of someone making an impact on the world by planting a mangrove by hand

4/5 Planting native species, like these mangrove propagules in Mozambique, is a priority as they can withstand ecological stressors and perform an array of ecosystem services.

Quote about making an impact on the world that reads,

5/5 Eden Reforestation Projects’ Chief Development Officer, Debra Crawford, shares her thoughts on the importance of responsible travel.

1/5 Eden Reforestation Projects employs people from local communities to plant trees, providing benefits and making an impact on the world far beyond the trees themselves.

2/5 Mangroves are one of the most efficient ecosystems for carbon sequestration, and they also protect coastal areas from erosion.

3/5 Local communities are directly involved in ongoing preservation efforts through the creation, care, and maintenance of planting sites.

4/5 Planting native species, like these mangrove propagules in Mozambique, is a priority as they can withstand ecological stressors and perform an array of ecosystem services.

5/5 Eden Reforestation Projects’ Chief Development Officer, Debra Crawford, shares her thoughts on the importance of responsible travel.

EF Staff

We’re a crew of lifelong learners and curious explorers who are passionate about seeing the world, both at home and abroad. Our staff includes everyone from Tour Consultants and product managers to copywriters, photographers, and Traveler Support Specialists. More than anything, though, we’re a group of EF-ers united by our belief in the awe-inspiring, perspective-shifting, life-changing impact of educational travel.


*Images provided by Eden Reforestation Projects

Our promise to travel responsibly

When you travel on an EF tour, know that we’re dedicated to making an impact on the world—both now and for years to come.

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