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1/3 Hello, new experiences. Hello, new learnings. Hello, travel. Hello, world.


2/3 EF student travelers share the impact of teachers in their lives.


3/3 Spanish teacher and EF Group Leader Elaine reflects on the curiosity she saw in her students on tour in the Dominican Republic.


1/3 Hello, new experiences. Hello, new learnings. Hello, travel. Hello, world.


2/3 EF student travelers share the impact of teachers in their lives.


3/3 Spanish teacher and EF Group Leader Elaine reflects on the curiosity she saw in her students on tour in the Dominican Republic.


1/3 Hello, new experiences. Hello, new learnings. Hello, travel. Hello, world.


2/3 EF student travelers share the impact of teachers in their lives.


3/3 Spanish teacher and EF Group Leader Elaine reflects on the curiosity she saw in her students on tour in the Dominican Republic.

1/3 Hello, new experiences. Hello, new learnings. Hello, travel. Hello, world.

2/3 EF student travelers share the impact of teachers in their lives.

3/3 Spanish teacher and EF Group Leader Elaine reflects on the curiosity she saw in her students on tour in the Dominican Republic.

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