EF news

Biking in Florence, Italy with EF Pro Cycling


As many of us are (re)discovering the joys of biking, we turned to our biking experts, the members of the EF Pro Cycling team, to learn how they use cycling to explore their cities. Join Alberto Bettiol, a cyclist from Italy, as he shows us first-hand what biking in Florence, Italy looks like and shares his reasons for loving Tuscany. From the Dumono to Castelfiorento, Alberto bikes around his home city and shares with us what makes it so special.

Topics: EF news, Florence, Italy

Claudia Mihm

Claudia is a product owner on EF’s Emerging Tech team, which means driving innovation (the super-fast, all-in, “let’s build something awesome” kind) is a huge part of her job. She’s an educator at heart, too, with experience teaching young kids to code and building curriculum around different tech tools. Her favorite EF travel experience was visiting Davos, Switzerland to take in our Global Leadership Summit alongside students and teachers from around the world.

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