Global Leadership Summit

Conversation piece: A Q&A with Marjorie Lacombe

Just a few years ago, Marjorie Lacombe was a pre-med student on an unsure path—but that all changed when she went off course in pursuit of her passions. Her ever-evolving (and decidedly colorful) journey proves that the opportunities to rediscover yourself are endless. We caught up with Marjorie, now an art director at Sephora, at an EF Global Leadership Summit where she led student workshops on personal branding.

The inspiration behind your Instagram, @creativekipi, is a love for color. Where does that come from?
I’ve been obsessed with colors since I was very young. My mother is quite the collector when it comes to fashion and colors, so I think I got it from her. I’ve always loved capturing color and using it in my artwork. It’s just something that intrinsically brings me so much joy. I started gravitating toward pastels largely because they were hard to find. Whenever I do come across that pastel moment, it feels like discovering a hidden gem. And you can see them all around the world!

But you originally started as a med student. Why the shift?
I came to a crossroads shortly before starting med school. I realized I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. It felt safe but wasn’t what I really loved. I started connecting with fellow creatives, and brands started reaching out to me. That was the first time I realized I could do this thing I always thought was just a hobby and make it my job.

How do you keep up with the ever-changing social media world?
I think it’s exciting. You can jump from platform to platform and continue to evolve yourself and your story instead of feeling limited or defined by one thing. For me, it used to be my blog. Now it’s Instagram, and then who knows—but I know it will be some evolution of myself.

How did you master the art of Instagram in the first place?
I’ve always felt like a self-learner. I taught myself web design, graphic design, and photography. When you learn something yourself, you’re learning on a deeper level. I soaked up any resource I had: YouTube, books, blogs, other people, and then started learning by doing. There are so many ways to learn, and that’s what’s exciting about it.

As someone who loves to learn new things, what ties have you noticed between learning and travel?
By suddenly being out of your comfort zone, you’re forced to see how things connect. And oftentimes, things connect very differently than they do at home. You see class differently, you see race differently, you see language, and culture, and music. Travel challenges your perspectives and opinions, and such great learning happens in those moments—so much of who you are starts to come alive.

What do you tell students who are still in search of their path?
It’s never too late to change directions. There’s this perception that everybody knows what they’re doing, but everybody has faced some point throughout their journey when they were unsure. There’s no harm in trying—but there’s a lot of harm in not believing you can do something you’re really passionate about.

Madeline Muller

Madeline is a copywriter at EF tours. She loves sitcoms, tacos, re-reading books, and befriending dogs. Her favorite city is Budapest.

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