Jake Minton | November 23, 2021
EF One on One is a conversation series between Group Leaders. A first-time Group Leader sits down with a teacher who’s led many tours to talk about their experiences and thoughts on educational travel with EF.
The benefits of educational travel are easy to get people excited about. Life-changing experiences. Hands-on learning. Growth of independence and awareness. What’s not to like?
But when the topic switches to paying for tour, we know the tone of conversation can sometimes change. But it doesn’t have to. There are so many ways to help with student travel costs, like payment plans, personal fundraising pages, and scholarship opportunities. Don’t take it from us, though. Take it from teachers who have seen the difference those resources can have on their students’ opportunities to travel.
Bryan K. and Rhonda G., who have been on plenty of trips over the years, have seen just how valuable things like donation pages and automatic payment plans are. In this video, they explain to first-time Group Leaders Brian J. and Mary Kate M. the tangible benefits those tools have on planning tours.
While the tools are helpful and allow families to wrap their brains around paying for educational travel, they do so much more than just help with student travel costs. They open possibilities and opportunities. They give more of your students the chance to experience travel and come home with memories that will last a lifetime and change who they are.
Hear teachers from opposite sides of the travel spectrum talk openly about everything from choosing the right travel partner to finding help with student travel costs in our EF One on One video series.